How Buddha’s Journey Mirrors Your Business Journey.

Like many articles that tread the waters of spirituality and business, I have to include a general disclaimer. For this particular article, I’ll say this: Buddha sought out to teach folks a way towards genuine happiness and fulfillment. This goes beyond the...

Business + The Buddha: Eat Your Rice, Wash Your Bowl

  In the early fifth century, a red-bearded Barbarian named Bodhidharma came to China to teach monks an intense practice that would later be referred to as Zen. This new “way” wasn’t for the faint of heart. In Zen stories, you’ll find men...

Balance: A Meditation for Artists & Entrepreneurs

balance. 28 December, 2016 Art Tech The Planet No matter if it’s a record label or tech company, CEO or musician – I find that most people have issues in one simple, but difficult area: Balance. The majority of my work centers around the concept of...
Four Mantras Every Musician Should Follow.

Four Mantras Every Musician Should Follow.

In keeping up with my Zen and simplicity theme (yeah, I’m still making amends with that buzz-term), let’s talk about mantras. Mantras can take on a wide variety of roles in your personal and spiritual development — and they’ve also taken up...